Nonprofit 501c3 org exposing the truth to inform and protect homeowners.
Bella Collina is Jinxed - Real Experience by Real Residents
Our non profit organization 501(c)3 aims to investigate, research and inform the public of scams, corruptions, wrong doings and unethical acts. Fight for justice, real democracy, and social equality by way of media exposure.
Dwight Schar, Bella Collina, Paul Simonson, Randall Greene, and failed businesses accused of fraud
According to Don Juravin, resident of Bella Collina, the community is a mess and Bella Collina Real Estate is only aimlessly pushing aggressive sales. Dwight Schar placed Paul Simonson in charge, who chose Randall Greene to do the dirty work against residents that dare to stand up for their rights. The results: Bella Collina is a failed community. If that is not enough, Dwight Schar placed his son, young Spencer Schar, who has no real experience, as a manager.
Siena at Bella Collina first real pictures
Seems like another Bella Collina venture that will be accused of SCAM and FRAUD and join the 500 to 700 lawsuits that Richard Arrighi, Dwight Schar, Paul Simonson, and the maintenance guy Randall Greene were involved in.
First amendment to the second amended and restated declaration of covenants, condition, and restrictions for Bella Collina
WHEREAS, Declarant and POA previously executed that certain Second Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Bella Collina, recorded April 18, 2005 in Official Records Book 2810, Page 722, of the Public Records of Lake County, Florida, as the same may be amended from time to time (collectively, the “CC&Rs “);
United States district court middle district of Florida Orlando division| Dwight Schar
Bella Collina Sign Discrimination & Controversy
Bella Collina HOA and POA are solely and fully controlled by Dwight Schar who was banned for life from the NFL
Bella Collina Homeowners Continue To Lose Their Investments
Don Juravin: Dwight Schar continues to be responsible for homeowners losing money in Bella Collina when his manager is Paul Simonson and his “enforcer” is Randall Greene.$1 million loss or est 130% of investment lost! $740K > 6 yrs later down to $40K.
Five years for sale: 16623 Arezo Ct, Bella Collina, FL 34756 – Dropped $1 million – Owner Lost maybe Another $1 million
Richard Arrighi (acting manager), Randall Greene (maintenance guy) and Paul Simonson (Dwight Schar finance guy) who work for Dwight Schar are not doing so well in Bella Collina based on this gloomy house and almost no home or condo sales for the last one or two years.
Bella Collina Sign Discrimination & Controversy
Bella Collina HOA and POA are solely and fully controlled by Dwight Schar who was banned for life from the NFL
Dwight Schar And Three Companies Guilty Of Consumer Deception
Paul Simonson, CPA for Dwight Schar, and employed by Dwight Schar’s network, is involved in three different companies that were found guilty in court for deceptive consumer practices.
Residents’ complain of intimidation in Dwight Schar’s Bella Collina
Bella Collina investigated after residents complain on intimidation by Dwight Schar’s Randall Greene, the maintenance guy who was also placed in charge of the HOA.
Dwight Schar Opposes Black Lives Matter Sign In His Bella Collina
Dwight Schar is the owner and the person in control of Bella Collina, according to now-deleted statements made on the Bella Collina website and Facebook page. He decides who will be in the POA, and an established rumor says that he is also aware of everything that is going on in the community, according to Don Juravin, a resident of Bella Collina.