More Trashy Piles In Bella Collina

This pile of garbage located at the entry is left for weeks because HOA does not care.

This pile of garbage located at the entry is left for weeks because HOA does not care. Yet, we, as residents, pay almost $10,000 a year for various costs, dues, and memberships. The HOA doesn’t care because the controller of Bella Collina is Dwight Schar who is controlling the HOA & POA. Residents call is trashy Bella Collina.

Visitors and buyers don’t always notice the trash because they think it’s temporary. It’s not. These piles of trash are here for the last 10 days already and have still not been removed.

BTW, DCS Real Estate Investements LLC is controlling Bella Collina and Dwight Schar controls DCS Real Estate Investements LLC. Dwight Schar was banned for life from the NFL for being “UNETHICAL”. His partner called him in court “GANGSTER”.

Trash, garbage in Bella Collina, HOA, residents complaint

6 Responses

  1. It is really sad to see the piles of garbage are there for weeks. Despite the fact that the residents pay $10,000 a year for various costs, dues, and memberships. The HOA really does not care about it.

  2. The condition of Bella Collina was already miserable before. Now there are more trashy piles of garbage. The HOA doesn’t care because the controller of Bella Collina is Dwight Schar who is controlling the HOA & POA.

  3. The piles of garbage located at the entry are left for weeks because HOA does not care. The management has no interest to keep Bella Collina a clean place. They are not doing their work properly.

  4. Bella Collina residents, pay almost $10,000 a year for various costs, dues, and memberships. The HOA doesn’t care because the controller of Bella Collina is Dwight Schar who is controlling the HOA & POA. Pile of garbage located at the entry is left for weeks because HOA does not care.

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