Bella Collina House not selling in already six years – Losing est. $2.5 million

Six years since owners first try to sell the Bella Collina house at $3.45 million, interchanging 7 or 8 realtors, losing already $1.1 from asking price, about $1 million in value of money (interest rate) and probably about $400,000 in tax, fees, Club, HOA, maintenance, etc
BELLA COLLINA HOUSE NOT SELLING IN ALREADY SIX YEAR - LOSING EST. $2.5 million 16623 Arezo ct, Bella Collina, FL 34756 WOW 6 year $2.5 million loss from asking price and all fees and costs
BELLA COLLINA HOUSE NOT SELLING IN ALREADY SIX YEAR – LOSING EST. $2.5 million 16623 Arezo ct, Bella Collina, FL 34756 WOW 6 year $2.5 million loss from asking price and all fees and costs

Six years since owners first try to sell the Bella Collina house at $3.45 million, interchanging 7 or 8 realtors, losing already $1.1 from asking price, about $1 million in value of money (interest rate) and probably about $400,000 in tax, fees, Club, HOA, maintenance, etc.These are just rough numbers but whether the Bella Collina homeowner lost $1,000,000 or $3,200,000 these are big amounts to lose in the failing community of Dwight Schar.

2 Responses

  1. The amount of loss the homeowners are facing is totally devastating. These are big amounts to lose in the failing community of Dwight Schar.

  2. Bella Collina’s investments are extremely risky. Regular housing prices have declined by 7.2 percent in the last month.

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