Black Lives Matter sign sparks a controversy in Bella Collina

A resident of Bella Collina, the luxury gated community reported that the authorities want him to remove a "Black Lives Matter" sign which he put in his yard, supporting the movement after the killing of George Floyd.
Black Lives Matter Sign Sparks Controversy

Source: issuu

Black Lives matter sign sparks controversy

A resident of Bella Collina, the luxury gated community reported that the authorities want him to remove a “Black Lives Matter” sign which he put in his yard, supporting the movement after the killing of George Floyd.

The resident is Don Karl Juravin, a businessman living in Bella Collina for several years. He put a 13-foot-by-4-foot sign, in support of “peaceful protesters” and mistreatment of African Americans, in the front yard of his home.

Don Karl Juravin was notified by the Lake County court that he might be in violation of an injunction forbidding him from putting up any yard sign without permission from the property owners association. That order stems from a lawsuit in which he alleged the development used a “terroristic, mafia-style campaign” to bully and silence him.

The CEO of RG Developments/Bella Collina Partners, Randall Greene said: “It’s not the message. We agree with the message.

But Juravin said he didn’t think anyone would complain about the sign that reads, “Black Lives Matter We Support George Floyd Peaceful Protestors.”It features a raised fist and an American flag and he thinks that it is an important message.

The two sides have a contentious history of trading lawsuits and barbs against one another.

Juravin said the association shouldn’t have tattled to the court if it truly supports the message. He also said he may sue to keep it on display.According to a court filing Monday, attorney Patrick Howell, representing the property association, alleged Juravin’s actions were “willful and contemptuous …” and it asks that Juravin and his wife, Anna, be held in contempt, be ordered to pay legal fees and costs, and remove the sign.

But Don Karl Juravin, said that he is not planning to remove the sign.

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Legal wrangling at Bella Collina has been common between property owners and the community’s developers in state and federal courts over the years.

A brief history about Bella Collina: Many owners purchased lake-view lots, sometimes for $1 million, from original developer Bobby Ginn just before the real-estate market cratered in 2007. After the crash, DCS Investment Holdings bought the golf club and other Bella Collina property for about $10 million in 2012, taking charge of the association and its mounting debt from unpaid association fees.

Black Lives matter sign sparks controversy In Bella Collina

One Response

  1. A banner in a homeowner’s yard supporting peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters concerning George Floyd is being moved by management. This was extremely hurtful to me!

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