Siena at Bella Collina first real pictures

Siena at Bella Collina First REAL pictures

Seems like another Bella Collina venture that will be accused of SCAM and FRAUD and join the 500 to 700 lawsuits that Richard Arrighi, Dwight Schar, Paul Simonson, and the maintenance guy Randall Greene were involved in.

10 class action lawsuit against Bella Collina (Part 10 of 15)

Randall Greene was Accused of Stealing Bella Collina House

On January 28, 2005, the Friezes, then citizens and residents of England, purchased lot number 391 from R. L. Vogel Homes, Inc., a designated builder of Bella Collina and constructed a luxury home for approximately $5,100,000., using their life savings from the sale of their family business and a loan in the amount of$3,600,000 from Fifth Third Bank.

4 class action lawsuit against Bella Collina (Part 4 of 15)

Randall Greene was Accused of Stealing Bella Collina House

Despite knowledge of the illegality of its operation of the POA, the Conspirators, without property owner approval, appointed its agents, including at all relevant times Burman, Greene, Clarke and Lebreux, to act as unelected board members of the POA

3 class action lawsuit against Bella Collina (Part 3 of 15)

Randall Greene was Accused of Stealing Bella Collina House

On information and belief, Schar, Simonson, Arrighi, Ryan, The Ryan Law Group, D’Ambrosio, Burman, Aegis, Greene, Clarke and Lebreux, Schirach and others intentionally and knowingly developed the Conspiracy to fraudulently exercise control of the POA to dispossess lot owners of their property, embezzle POA funds and usurp POA property and opportunities for their own profit and benefit.

2 class action lawsuit against Bella Collina

Randall Greene was Accused of Stealing Bella Collina House

The Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the federal claims alleged herein pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1331, because those claims arise under the laws of the United States (18 U.S.C. §1961, et seq.).

Protecting Homeowners – Activist


One way of helping the people is by protecting the homeowners by reviewing companies and communities like Bella Collina in Orlando, Florida, and setting a warning sign to potential buyers about the risks of making an investment and losing millions of dollars.