Black Lives Matter sign sparks controversy
Bella Collina resident Don Juravin said community authorities want him to take down a sign he put up supporting protesters and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Black Lives Matter sign sparks controversy in Bella Collina community in Lake County
A resident of the lakeside luxury community Bella Collina said authorities want him to remove a “Black Lives Matter” sign he put up in his yard in the wake of last month’s police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Black Lives Matter sign sparks controversy in Bella Collina community in Lake County
A resident of the lakeside luxury community Bella Collina said authorities want him to remove a “Black Lives Matter” sign he put up in his yard in the wake of last month’s police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Black Lives Matter sign sparks controversy in Bella Collina
A resident of the lakeside luxury community Bella Collina said authorities want him to remove a “Black Lives Matter” sign he put up in his yard in the wake of last month’s police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Black Lives Matter sign sparks controversy in Bella Collina community in Lake County
A resident of the lakeside luxury community Bella Collina said authorities want him to remove a “Black Lives Matter” sign he put up in his yard in the wake of last month’s police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Anna Juravin and kids fight to keep the black lives matter sign in Bella Collina
Dwight Schar is the owner and the person in control of Bella Collina, according to now-deleted statements made on the Bella Collina website and Facebook page. He decides who will be in the POA, and an established rumor says that he is also aware of everything that is going on in the community, according to Don Juravin, a resident of Bella Collina.
Don Juravin is a strong proponent for Black Lives Matter who firmly believes in tearing down systemic racism at its roots. But the community in which he resides does not seem to agree with him.
Black Lives Matter sign sparks a controversy in Bella Collina
A resident of Bella Collina, the luxury gated community reported that the authorities want him to remove a “Black Lives Matter” sign which he put in his yard, supporting the movement after the killing of George Floyd.