Don Juravin

I was born in 1964 in the Holy Land to a holocaust survivals family. My grandfather Karl fought the Nazis in Europe and then escaped to Israel from Austria in an underground ship called Exodus. My mother and uncle were babies when the Nazis experimented on them in the hospital lab.

“A partisan, by definition, is a fighter who sabotages an occupying army. The Jewish partisans waged guerrilla warfare against the Nazis, but much more importantly, they defied the extermination of their people, their culture, and their religion, fighting to preserve the memory of their past and the possibility of their future.”

ELIE WIESEL – Jew in the Nazi Concentration Camps Auschwitz and Buchenwald 

After World War II, some 250,000 European Jews were living in Displaced person camps within Germany and Austria, often under harsh conditions. Zionist organizations then began organizing an underground network known as the Brichah (“flight,” in Hebrew), which moved thousands of Jews from the camps to ports on the Mediterranean Sea, so they could then be sent to the Holy Land (was then controlled by the British) by ship.

Don Juravin son to a holocaust surviving family
Don Juravin son to a holocaust surviving family
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Don Juravin research compares maternal mortality
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Holy Land Man debates the existence of God